It will be focus on Zejun Chen’s Blog 5
“’Z-degree’ programs” I think this fully endorses the OER rundown, yet on the other hand I’ve begun to wonder if this will trigger a new degree discrimination, i.e., a paid-for degree that discriminates against Z-degrees, Z- degree will bring about employment troubles? This is also a potential challenge.
Also in the challenges you raise, I think one of your central points is that OER needs more upfront investment to build. While I agree with you that MIT’s OER is a classic example of an OER fueled by upfront investment. I’m wondering if OER that is entirely designed and developed and low-investment by the community or poorer neighborhoods on their own can exist. I think it is possible, and OER can move away from the traditional model of education, such as the internet or books, and instead use materials that are also available in poorer areas, such as chalkboards and other low-cost materials, to design unique OER as an alternative.